
Creator Ops Insider By Robby Miles

Need a sidekick? I'll help you simplify your tech stack, automate your operations, and understand enough to BS on lazy contractors so you can scale without the stress. New lessons every Tuesday.

Know your stinkin' numbers

Time for a bit of a rant. Not directed at you, but the creator industry as a whole. Why don't creator business owners know their numbers?!!! I'm still amazed every time I get on a call with someone and ask about their numbers and they just don't know. They seem to be flying blind in business hoping to make more money than they spend every month. When they do, it's considered a good month, and when they don't... 💩 meet 🪭 If that's you, then I guess I'm calling you out...but only because I love...

10 Major takeaways from Craft + Commerce

Holy smokes, ConvertKit's (Soon to be Kit) conference was incredible! Here are my 10 major takeaways: Relationships Relationships lead to results Share every day experiences Talk to your people to find trends Change you dream or change the timeline Content Shift from content to connection Connection comes from solving the bigger problem Copy and paste with taste Business You are not your business Don't just be the best, be the ONLY Understand what's driving value results Which area would you...

gray, blue, and black concrete city buildings

🛫 Headed to Boise, ID

I’m on a plane to Boise, Idaho for my favorite conference…ConvertKit’s Craft + Commerce. The best thing about this conference is that it brings together the top online business owners and creators in an intimate setting where we can all learn and grow together. ConvertKit has hyped up this year’s conference by teasing that their keynote announcement is the BIGGEST in the company’s history. Nathan Barry @nathanbarry 48 hours until the biggest announcement in @ConvertKit history. LFG 6:10 AM •...

3 Leadership Lessons From Army Officer School

Hey Reader, Leadership is not inherent. It's a skill that must be learned through experience. Today you'll learn three of the most important leadership lessons I learned in Army officer school and how to apply them in your business. 3 Leadership Lessons: Lesson 1: Have a plan, but be flexible. Mike Tyson is known for saying, "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face." General Eisenhower stated is similarly when he said, "Plans are useless, but planning is everything." Even the...

Friday Featured Tool: How my automated note taker saves me time

I thought the call was just between the two of us, but then I heard the familiar ding that "someone new has joined"... About six months ago I jumped on a video call with one of my coaches and his Fathom video recorder joined the chat, only the video recorder had some great features including: Auto-join Transcript generation Highlighting important moments Summarizing meeting notes Quick share with attendees Integrating great with Notion, Google, etc. HIPAA Compliant It seemed awesome that...

black and white audio controller close-up photo

Update your default settings

Chances are you're familiar with the default settings on your computer or phone. Maybe like most people, you never even thought about them. What about the default settings in your business? Have you ever thought about those? They can either help you or hurt you. Defaults determine how our devices perform out of the box. Defaults help you know how a device works without having to read a manual. Like Apple says…”it just works.” Defaults help you be more productive because you've got a starting...

river surrounded by trees during daytime

Stagnant Water Stinks, So Keep Things Moving

Hey Reader, Do you ever run into bottlenecks in your business? Below I lay out the exact steps I use with my clients to get things moving again. But if you're like most business owners I work with, you're the bottleneck... That doesn't mean you're bad at your job, it just means that there's room to improve your processes. Imagine a stagnant pond...just sitting still with no movement. Over time, it begins to grow bacteria and algae, and starts to smell pretty bad. Our projects and tasks are...