
Creator Ops Insider By Robby Miles

Business Operations For Online Creators

Need a sidekick? I'll help you simplify your tech stack, automate your operations, and understand enough to BS on lazy contractors so you can scale without the stress. New lessons every Tuesday.

river surrounded by trees during daytime

Stagnant Water Stinks, So Keep Things Moving

Hey Reader, Do you ever run into bottlenecks in your business? Below I lay out the exact steps I use with my clients to get things moving again. But if you're like most business owners I work with, you're the bottleneck... That doesn't mean you're bad at your job, it just means that there's room to improve your processes. Imagine a stagnant pond...just sitting still with no movement. Over time, it begins to grow bacteria and algae, and starts to smell pretty bad. Our projects and tasks are...

about 1 month ago • 1 min read

3 Quick Business Wins For The Week

Hey Reader, I'm keeping it short this week, so let's jump right into three quick wins: 1) Energy Management Some of us are early birds. Some are night owls. And the rest somehow manage to be normal. Throughout the day we all have periods of peak and trough energy. Peak energy is where we perform best, and trough energy is where we're sluggish. As you plan your day, consider planning around your energy rather than your time. If you're like me at 8am, you'll be knocking out tasks right and...

about 2 months ago • 1 min read

Getting back from vacation

Hey Reader, Last week one of my clients shared how much happier she was after a recent family vacation. Not only was her vacation a chance to rest and decompress from the every day work environment, but she came back to work with renewed focus and clear boundaries. Vacation tends to have that impact on most of us and our businesses. When we're planning for vacation, we have a sense of excitement. When we are within a few days of vacation, we have absolute clarity on what tasks and projects we...

2 months ago • 2 min read

My simple recommended tool stack?

Hey Reader, Over the weekend I got a question inside the HeyCreator community about the best tools for reaching specific online business goals. I wanted to share my thoughts with you too. If you want to skip the question and just see my recommendations, click here. Question: I've seen you comment on posts related to creator tooling and I wanted to get your quick advice for the first time creator like myself. I'm ready to: 1) Setup my first landing page to capture email addresses for a...

2 months ago • 2 min read

What are your processes like?

Would you say your processes are scattered, linear, or flywheels? Let's take a look at the differences, how to move from scattered to flywheel, and see what this looks like in the real world. If your processes are scattered, guess're totally normal. Nobody has it figured out when they're starting something new. We usually try things until we find what works. Then once we have that, we begin to take those scattered pieces and turn them into something more linear. I've written about...

3 months ago • 2 min read

Interruptions when you're trying to work?

Hey Reader, Tell me if this sounds familiar... You've scheduled some time to get deep work done, and one of your colleagues who's training (or one of your kids) keeps interrupting you with questions on how to complete the tasks they're responsible for. I recently had a coaching client who was having this exact issue. Her department just hired a new employee with decades of experience. He is one of the most qualified people in the office, however he's new to this specific industry. He's smart...

3 months ago • 2 min read
red and blue pepsi vending machine

Treat Your Business Like a Vending Machine to Clear the Bottlenecks

Hey Reader, Every business I've ever worked with has bottlenecks in their systems. Something is blocking projects from moving forward or delaying communication and it's impacting their bottom line. Today let's look at the process side of bottlenecks, sometime soon we'll look at the people side. One of the best ways to clear the bottlenecks in your processes is to treat your business like a vending machine. Last week I had a great call with one of my friends and mentors all about the...

4 months ago • 2 min read
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