Update your default settings

Published 21 days ago • 2 min read

Chances are you're familiar with the default settings on your computer or phone.

Maybe like most people, you never even thought about them.

What about the default settings in your business?

Have you ever thought about those?

They can either help you or hurt you.

Defaults determine how our devices perform out of the box.

Defaults help you know how a device works without having to read a manual. Like Apple says…”it just works.”

Defaults help you be more productive because you've got a starting point and a standard system to follow.

Sure defaults work for computers, but what about for your business?

Here's a newsflash for you...

People aren't computers!

You and the people you work with are not robots programmed for perfect productivity.

But like computers, we tend to follow a certain set of routines, habits, and actions.

In other words, we usually work from our default settings.

Have you ever noticed how easily influenced you are by your surroundings?

It's so much easier to get work done when you're in your ideal environment. Too often, it's easier to take the path of least resistance.

We tend to make decisions based on the environment instead of what's in our best interest.

Imagine sitting down to your computer ready to start your work day.

You're feeling productive.

But then you see browser tabs filled with new emails and notifications from Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

You're going to get distracted, and, the mental rush you get from staying busy makes you feel productive.

But time slips away.

Too often our default settings are created by chance and circumstance.

But here's the reality, you can take control and make defaults work for you rather than against you.

Changing default settings is one of the easiest business productivity tricks out there if you act with intention.

Change your environment to be in line with the habits you desire and the goals you’re working toward.

For example, don't leave all your tabs open at the end of the work day just to get distracted first thing tomorrow.


A) shut down all your tabs, or

B) have only the apps/tabs you'll need for work open when you start the next day, or

Remember, just like you can change the defaults on your computer or phone, you get to determine your business's default settings.

Design your defaults to support your biggest goals.

  • Set up an automation that drafts an email every morning to send to prospects
  • Create a reminder in Slack to thank your team members at least three times per week
  • Build the habit to review and update SOPs each time they are used.

Your business will rise or fall to the level of the systems you implement.

What's one default setting that you'll change this week? Hit reply and let me know.

Here's to a productive week!


Recommended Resource: TidyCal

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